An event of ICCBR 2014, Cork, Ireland
The 7th Computer Cooking Contest will be held in conjunction with the International Conference on Case-Based Reasoning 2014 in Cork, Ireland. Write your own software application for the live competition. Show that your program is more creative than the average cook. Let your computer's recipe creations be evaluated by a jury and by the public!
The contest offers three challenges: the basic challenge on suggesting cooking recipes, the originality challenge on novel ideas and positions on computer cooking, and the more sophisticated real life mixology challenge on suggesting high-quality cocktail recipes with a limited set of ingredients. The cocktail recipes are to be mixed in reality and to be tasted by the ICCBR audience! A team can participate with their system in one or both of the system challenges (basic, mixology), as well as with a novel idea in the originality challenge.
The system should be able to retrieve one or more recipes that match(es) a user query composed of a set of desired ingredients (at least one), and a set of undesired ingredients. The latter might be empty if the user has not specified it.
Evaluation criteria: scientific quality, culinary quality (for details see the rules)
Assessment procedure: usual scientific review process; each team provides a query, jury votes
Material provided by the organisers (see resources section):
In this challenge, the system should be able to suggest a tasty cocktail recipe that matches a user query including a set of desired ingredients and avoiding unwanted ones from a limited set of available ingredients. In addition, the system should provide a quality estimation of the suggested recipe from 0 (horrible) to 5 (fantastic) indicating whether the recipe is worth retaining in the case base. Please feel free to compute the quality assessment as you like, e.g. based on the similarity value only, on previous user ratings of similar recipes, on the provenance of the recipe, on individual user preferences, on any other preference or probabilistic function, or anything else you may think of.
Evaluation criteria: scientific quality, culinary quality, closeness to reality of the system’s own quality assessment (for details have a look at the rules)
Assessment procedure: usual scientific review process; quizmaster provides a query or audience selects desired and undesired ingredients, audience votes
Material provided by the organizers (see resources section):
In this challenge, you may propose whatever you want about the adaptation of cooking recipes, e.g. workflow adaptation, text adaptation, recipes combination, explanations, community-based adaptation, etc. The evaluation will take into account the originality aspect and the scientific aspect of the work. A running system implementing the work is optional.
Evaluation criteria: scientific quality, culinary quality
Assessment procedure: usual scientific review process; program commitee vote
Material provided by the organizers (see resources section):
Once upon a time, we wondered whether some software system could help us to make a yummy meal from the contents of our fridge. Given a restricted set of ingredients, the task is to cook something “that tastes good”. More recently, we wondered whether a system could help us to explain our research interests to a broader audience. Given the technological state-of-the-art, the task is to create a problem-solving system. Glue the two together and you get: The Computer Cooking Contest!
It will attract new people (e.g., students) to work with AI technologies such as case-based reasoning, semantic technologies, search, and information extraction. Also, cooking is fun, particularly when using a computer to design the menu. And the contest will attract public interest. Since everybody knows something about cooking, people will be curious about how well a computer can cook. Finally, we have all noticed the public's increasing interest in cooking, motivated by the growing awareness that good food is mandatory for good health. Hence, the Computer Cooking Contest provides an opportunity for you to explain the benefits of your technologies to everyone.
The Computer Cooking Contest is an open competition. All individuals (e.g., students, professionals), research groups, and others are invited to submit software that creates recipes. The only input will be a database of basic recipes from which appropriate recipes must be selected, modified, or even combined. The queries to the system will include the desired and undesired ingredients. For most of the queries there is no single correct or best answer. That is, many different solutions are possible, depending on the creativity of your software.
We impose no restriction on the technology that may be used; all are welcome. The only restriction is that the given database of recipes must be used as a starting point. We will not provide a formal query language. Queries will be described in free text but the software to be developed can employ any language for user interaction (e.g., structural/formula-based, conversational, text-based).
See the rules for more information.
Evaluations will be distinct for each challenge. Detailed evaluation procedures for each challenge are available in the rules section.
At least one person per finalist must register to attend the ICCBR and demonstrate the system during a technical presentation at the CCC workshop. The technical descriptions of the finalist systems will be published in the ICCBR workshop proceedings.
Please do not hesitate to contact the organizers if you have any questions:
We also welcome your recommendations for a successful competition!