To participate, you have:
In addition, you may:
A running system must be available for the system evaluation (online or on a laptop) during the contest except you contribute to the originality challenge only.
The system must be queryable with a query containing one or more (but at least one) desired ingredient(s) and may contain undesired ingredient(s). The ingredient names are taken from the WikiTaable ontology in the version at the publication time of the final case bases.
The system must use the recipes from the final case base(s) provided by the CCC organizing team. Additional recipes may be used in the background. However, only original recipes from the provided case base(s) are eligible as a starting point for adaptation.
The system must return recipes satisfying the query. For a blind evaluation (basic challenge and mixology challenge), the systems must return results under the XML format given by the following DTD :
<!ELEMENT results (query, result*) > <!ELEMENT result (taste_score, original_recipe, final_recipe) > <!ATTLIST result rank CDATA #IMPLIED > <!ELEMENT original_recipe ... see XML example ... > <!ELEMENT final_recipe ... see XML example ... >
For example :
<results> <query>cake_dish pear</query> <result rank=”...”> <taste_score>... 0 to 5 ...</taste_score> <original_recipe>... in XML format ...</original_recipe> <final_recipe>... in XML format ...</final_recipe> </result> </results>
The query element contains the query. The taste_score element contains one of the following numbers 0 (horrible), 1 (consumable), 2 (quite good), 3 (tasty), 4 (very tasty), and 5 (fantastic). The orginal_recipe element contains the complete recipe that has been retrieved from the given case base before adaptation (in the CCC XML format for recipes, see for illustration). The final_recipe element contains the complete recipe after adaptation (in the CCC XML format for recipes).
Two initial sets of recipes are provided by the CCC organizing team (see resources) that may be extended by participants as follows:
The evaluation will be based:
Technical papers have to describe your contribution(s). Papers addressing system challenges (basic, mixology challenge, or both) may include a brief section on sample results. Papers have to be in Springer format. Paper size is max 8 pages in case you attend one challenge only and max 12 pages in case you attend the basic and the mixology challenge. Teams addressing a system challenge (basic, mixology challenge) might in addition submit a contribution to the originality challenge if it is on a different topic than the system challenge(s).
Submissions have to be made via Easychair (choose the “Computer Cooking Contest” track).
Any individual or group (e.g., academic, industry, or government) is invited to participate. At least one person per finalist must register for the conference, demonstrate the system, and give a talk in the CCC workshop.
We do not make any restrictions on the technology to be used: