
Many formal resources are provided for the contest:

Data links are provided on wikitaaable main page. Data may be downloadable in RDF and simple XML format. A sparql endpoint is also available for a direct interaction with the RDF store used by wikitaaable semantic wiki.

Exercises for students on the pseudo code

  1. Read the pseudo code pseudocode.pdf carefully and try to understand each line of code.
  2. Main: Underline all variables and parameters of main. Briefly describe each of them.
  3. Function compare:
    1. Explain which kinds of similarity functions are used in function compare for computing titleSim, ingSim, and the overall similarity between a query and a case.
    2. Identify at least three weak points of the used similarity functions. (Hint: Think about the range of results/normalization, semantical/syntactic similarity, or how to derive a similarity function from an ontology.)
  4. Function adapt:
    1. Describe how query attributes that are missing in a case are inserted by substitutional adaptation.
    2. Provide some own pseudo code for an extended function adapt which gets rid of ingredients from the case that are undesired within the query (assume that the query specifies in addition to title and (desired) ingredients a set of undesired ingredients).

Resources links extend this list

- - [pseudo-code.pdf] pseudo-code